man beachte die von google folgerichtig zur verfügung gestellte werbung
EDIT: aha, die is jedes mal anders. also ich bezieh mich auf: "Drogenschnelltests - Drogennachweis im Urin, Speichel für Ärzte, Kliniken und weitere IVD" -- "Auch der Gerstentrank zersetzt sich, wenn man ihn nicht umrührt." - Heraklit von Ephesos
Hilfe für Alkoholkranke Leberschäden durch Naturheilmittel verbessern und kurieren. Infos hier -- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks
Kann dem Kommunikationsreferenten nur beipflichten. OhYeah! -- "Auch der Gerstentrank zersetzt sich, wenn man ihn nicht umrührt." - Heraklit von Ephesos
Irgendwie hätte ich Lust einen Live Mitschnitt zu verlangen. ;)
("Who are you?" said Lunkwill, rising angrily from his seat. "What do you want?" "I am Majikthise!" announced the older one. "And I demand that I am Vroomfondel!" shouted the younger one. Majikthise turned on Vroomfondel. "It's alright," he explained angrily, "you don't need to demand that." "Alright!" bawled Vroomfondel banging on an nearby desk. "I am Vroomfondel, and that is not a demand, that is a solid fact! What we demand is solid facts!" "No we don't!" exclaimed Majikthise in irritation. "That is precisely what we don't demand!" Scarcely pausing for breath, Vroomfondel shouted, "We don't demand solid facts! What we demand is a total absence of solid facts. I demand that I may or may not be Vroomfondel!" "But who the devil are you?" exclaimed an outraged Fook. "We," said Majikthise, "are Philosophers." "Though we may not be," said Vroomfondel waving a warning finger at the programmers. ) -- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks
Das muss ein ziemlicher Rausch gwesen sein, wenn er est jetzt wieder kommunikationsfähig ist. ;)
-- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks