Achja, Cotton Eyed Joe habe ich natürlich. :) My heart will go own muss ich erst moch besorgen...
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.
Des kannst von mir aus selbst singen. Höchstens du hättest a mp3. ;) BTW: Could it possibly be that you are slightly shitfaced?
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.
Ich befürchte ja er leidet an zu hohem Blutdruck... oder er war betrunken. :)
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.
Hmm, eigentlich stehen ja beim Hr. Obmann en net viele Hösuer rum. Sollte also leicht zu bestätigen sein.... ;)
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.