Now this is a story all about how my Life got flipped turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how I become the prince of my house's Cellair
In west Austria born and raised fucking my daughter is where I spent most of my days Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool and building incest dungeons underneath my pool I took three kids out cuz they were all good told my wife they were just children from the neighborhood. I fucked just one of my daughters the police got scared But they don't know the pin-code to my daughter's Cellair.
They called the partyvan and when it got near The license plate said "AUSTRIA" and it had dice in the mirror "you crazy" they said, "those ideas in your head are rare," I said, "cool homes, it's rape time, home, to Cellair!"
She crawled out the house after 7 offspring And she yelled to the cops "Yo, I can't speak German!" But I'm still pimping, I got three more lairs, so come and party with me, in my second Cellair.
Habe mich ja schon lange nicht mehr gemeldet. Aber bin geschäftigt, muss den Amis morgen europäische Kultur beibringen:
Im Detail (man beachte die Dose):
-- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks
Ein denkbar schlechter name für an Anwalt. Heit im online standard:
"Damit ist es vorbei"
Im Verfahren, in dem Knauß auch vom Grazer Anwalt Christian Fick unterstützt wurde, lenkte das beklagte Unternehmen nun kurz vor der Hauptverhandlung in New Haven ein und stimmte einem Vergleich zu.
Ich habe gerade gemerkt, dass die Galerie nicht funktionierte. Jetzt geht alles wieder, also verlange ich mehr Fotos!
Btw. 36 Grad sind verdammt warm...
-- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks