Moment, jetzt gibt's zwa Duffman? I hab's ja gwusst, dass es nur DU (die angesprochene Person erkennt sich hoffentlich selbst) sein kannst.
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.
Du warst auch nur meine zweite Wahl. Die erste ist so weit weg von dir, das glaubst ja nicht....
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.
Dsa hört sich aber eh mehr nach dem Original an. Oder sind die Rauschigen früher als ich aufgestanden?
And I guess Jesus would offer wine and bread!
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.
-- It is by eating sandwiches in pubs on Saturday lunchtimes that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They're not altogether clear what those sins are, and don't want to know either.