-- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks
Ich sags dir. Nach meinen Studium werd ich Arzt in Schweden. Net nur dass die die feschesten Blondinen haben, jetzt laufen die oben auch nackert herum.
-- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks
-- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks
Do heats dir ja den holberten Oarsch aufreißen keanen!
-- "Compare pouring two pints of beer down your throat and two pints of beer into your computer's hard disk drive for an illustration of the brain's superior resistance to insults." - Mind Hacks